Citizen journalism is a new concept in the realm of journalism. It is closely related to the concept of new media. Both, new media and citizen journalism, in fact, are closely related to the digitalization process, the ‘Vision 2012’ of Bangladesh. Media is regarded as ‘the people’s parliament’ and citizen journalism, albeit a new concept, is regarded as the easier tool to reflect the people’s hopes and aspirations. It is said that Journalism is a craft and it implies a prideful profession. Citizen journalism makes it more than craft and profession and broadened the concept to equip journalism for a digital democratic system. It enhances the process of mass participation as well as contribution in journalism through using internet without any classical professional training. This system is possible through the use of the tools of modern technologies, global distribution of internet and, mostly through new media (i.e. Facebook, twitter, google+ etc). This is a participation of mass people into ‘news producing cycle’, which would help to provide independent, wide-ranging and relevant information for flourishing democracy.
Citizen journalism is the biggest way for the mass people to contribute in the development of a country. Citizen journalism is a system in which every citizen can act as a journalist. It is a system in which local mass people of any area can contribute in information flow, which can provide authentic report about burning questions related to that area. The notion, in recent time, is termed as ‘Hyper-local journalism’.
There are two ends of media system. ‘Sending end’ and ‘Receiving end’. People of mass level stay in receiving end is known as audience. In citizen journalism, the second end, the audience, starts to provide news and information as a journalist. For this reason, some time the citizen journalism is known as ‘Audience journalism’.
In classical system of journalism, professional journalists use a portion of people as their source. After collecting raw news from sources, they shape the news through editing and then publish or broadcast it. Citizen journalism, as a complementary, implies a wide range of activities of journalism in which everyday everyone from everywhere can contribute to provide information through new media and internet. As a result, peoples’ participation and reflection of views result a true democracy and digitalize the journalism process. That is why; citizen journalism is regarded also as digital journalism, democratic journalism, as well as public and street journalism.
Debates exist about the quality and acceptability of citizen journalism. By media professionals and professional journalists, it is alleged that, people related to citizen journalism are immature and not well trained for being a journalist or reporter. But in the initial phase of traditional journalism reporters of ancient period were Postmasters, general burghers, shipping clerks, court officials, merchants and travelers those were totally amateur as well as immature. Their contributions were mentionable in fact.
It is argued that, only traditional journalists can understand the exactitudes and ethics of reporting. Lacking in quality is another argument. Debate about the bloggers is - the unpaid bloggers, who write as a hobby, cannot replace trained professional and seasoned journalists. Vincent Maher, the head of the New Media Lab at Rhodes University, found out a weakness termed as “three deadly E’s”. These E’s are ethics, economics and epistemologies. But, in fact, the significant numbers of people are doing citizen journalism through blogging without any problem and hesitation throughout the world.
Citizen journalism is a crucial element of digitalization. As the dream of Bangladesh to be a digital one, effective citizen journalism should be practiced throughout the country. In the process of citizen journalism, citizens can act as an active watchdog of government and its functions as well as democracy. They can play an active role through the process. It shall provide a broadened public’s sphere of influence and enhance a dignified participation and engagement in all sectors of the state.
Through citizen journalism, an incident can be described from different dialectic angles. This will help people to know the fact from nonchalant point of view. A corruption free Bangladesh, as a dream of mass people, can be established through citizen journalism. It can be used as a tool of transparency in all sectors.
The foremost utilization of citizen journalism is its use in emergency environment. When any government declared emergency and any kind of people’s gathering is declared as prohibited then people can use citizen journalism and new media to articulate interests and create a movement against that government. In a dictatorial system of government, which democracy and people’s freedom does not exist, freedom of newspaper does not exist, in such an environment, citizen journalism and new media can play a vital role. For this fact, citizen journalism has a great ingredient in modern world.
In citizen journalism, the more citizen will engage in the news producing cycle, the more use of internet will spread which is an indicator of digitalization. For being a citizen journalist, mass people can use internet sites such as Wikipedia, blogs, Facebook, twitter, YouTube etc. They can abreast themselves with updated information and knowledge. But citizen have to ensure three very crucial elements of citizen journalism. Missing of one is severe harmful for the whole system. These elements are ‘open publishing’, ‘collaborative editing’ and ‘distributive contents’.
Citizen journalism can be complementary for classical journalism. Sometimes, classical electronic media and print media can get news from citizen journalists. In rural area where the professional journalists are not available in all times, then only citizen journalists can provide exact information and news for broadcasting. So, citizen journalism is a complementary rather contradictory for classical professional journalism.
In Bangladesh perspective, one can easily practice the citizen journalism. For this purpose, one has to have a strong determination, willing power and deep observation capacity. If one has these powers then one can practice effective citizen journalism through using a mobile camera or home video camera. It is a brighten example of citizen journalism, that the video clip of the killing of Sir John F. Kennedy, which was taken by a home video camera by Abraham Zapruder. The news and description during the 9/11 terrorist attack on World Trade Center is another instance came from citizen journalists.
If the citizen journalism can spread in Bangladesh, rural and urban area, then the peoples’ hope and aspiration will be reflected through new media. For ensuring a better Bangladesh, young generation should involve themselves in this event and serve the country from their level best. Bangladesh is a developing country and apparently, it has some problems. But Bangladesh has huge potentials. It has a huge number of young people. These young citizens have to utilize their creativity and put at least a single brick in the foundation of the solution of the country. Using citizen journalism can be a good tool to serve the nation and to meet the goal of a digital developed Bangladesh.