Pakuyakhali tragedy, the day of Darkness of Chittagong Hill Track’s history is today (9 September).

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মোহাম্মদ খোরশেদ আলম ১২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪, ০২:২৯:৩৯ দুপুর

shanti Bahini driven by Santu

Larma killed 35 innocent

Bengali woodmen. 28 bodies

were found near the killing

spot two days after killing.

Dead bodies were buried in

Langdu Upazilla Council


Pakuyakhali tragedy, the

day of Darkness of

Chittagong Hill Track’s

history is today (9

September). In this day in

1996 in Rangamati, Shanti

Bloodbath was not new for

Shanti Bahini in CHT Hills

but this could not be

treated as murder, this

was massacre, carnage.

These evils used local

knife-ware to kill those

innocents. The innocents

were wantonly tortured by

those ‘Hyenas’. Most of

the dead bodies could not be

identified because of those

butchers’ brutality.

dead body of Pakuakhali genoci

Eunus Ali, the luckiest one

who escaped from the

massacre. He still can

remember the

psychopaths’ sick eyes

and the wounded

innocents’ scary look. He

still can hear the sounds of

the earsplitting of the

tortured and an ill-outburst

of those Demons’. Blood

flowed into the Chara

(Small Falls) instead of

water. Kachalong and Mainy

Khal (Small Canal) turned

red. Humanity shuttered

down in front of the horror

screams of victims. Eunus

still traumatized by those

dreadful memories. He said,

‘I saw the mutilated,

maltreat dead bodies. I

heard the ear-piercing

scalding of widows and

mothers. I can never

forgive them. It cannot be.

Those memories still

paralyze me with hatred. I

had no other way but crying

that day.’

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১০৯১ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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