লিখেছেন লিখেছেন তিমির মুস্তাফা ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৩, ০৪:০৪:২১ রাত

We made it!! We did it!!

Hazaribag was one of the worst environmentally degraded areas in Bangladesh for years. Now we got it in a TOP TEN LIST. Those who doesn’t know, this area in our Capital city Dhaka stands in number 5th in world most polluted ranking where almost all of that country’s 200-plus tanneries are located.

The densely populated, filthy neighborhood on the bank of Buriganga river in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a smorgasbord of lethal chemicals, toxic fumes and the unmistakable taste of death. There is chromium, there is sulfuric acid, there is lead. A World Health Organization report says most Hazaribagh’s tannery workers will die before they turn 50. It’s that toxic.

A new report by the Blacksmith Institute, a New York NGO that works in the most polluted places, says Hazaribagh is one of the 10 most toxic places in the world.

“It is very grim,” said Jack Caravanos, a senior science adviser for the institute and one of the authors of the report. Richard Pearshouse, a researcher with Human Rights Watch who produced a damning report on the tanneries district last year, calls it an example of extreme, almost post-apocalyptic pollution.

“Each time I would spend a few days researching in Hazaribagh, I developed health issues: skin rashes, stomach problems, a bad cough.”

He was able to leave at the end of his trips but “local residents and workers suffer far worse health conditions, and economic pressures mean they can’t stop work or move away.”

The top 10 most toxic places in the world:

Agbogbloshie, Ghana

Chernobyl, Ukraine

Citarum River, Indonesia

Dzershinsk, Russia

Hazaribagh, Bangladesh

Kabwe, Zambia

Kalimantan, Indonesia

Matanza Riachuelo, Argentina

Niger River Delta, Nigeria

Norilsk, Russia.

বিষয়: আন্তর্জাতিক

১২৯৯ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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