কিভাবে তরুণ বুদ্ধিজীবী তৈরীর কারখানা কাজ করে (Preparing Young Intellectuals (09 september,2012 by shah-abdul-Hannan))

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন রামির ২৭ মে, ২০১৩, ১২:৫২:১৩ দুপুর

Intellectuals can not be produced; they have to become intellectuals by their own efforts. It is largely true , however my experience shows that there can be exceptions and young bright boys/girls can be nurtured to become intellectuals.

Around 1989, I felt that Muslim world in general and Bangladesh in particular lack in the required numbers of Islamic Intellectuals. So I started 2 classes for young bright boys/girls of the University, Medical Collages and Technical Colleges. Initially each class had about 10 boys/girls (separate class).

I took them through a course of Akida (based on the book of Mahammad Al Ghazali ), Usul Al Fiqh (based on the book of Dr. Hashim Kamali), Fiqh (based on various books) and Islamic History., gender issues ( based on the lectures of Jamal Badawi ), Islamic systems ( political, social, economic, International relations, moral, ethical based on various books of Hammudah Abdul Ati, Jamal Badawi,Dr Qaradawi , Sayyid Maududi )

I would take up a book and finish it over 3/6/9 months. I explained the book in great detail, bring up other relevant issues, views of other scholars, historical aspects etc.I taught them from Dr. Quaradawi’s book ‘Islamic Awakening between Rejection and Extremism’, ‘Priorities of Islamic Movement in the coming Phase’, Halal wal Haram fil Islam’, ‘The Status of Women’, Sayyid Maududis book ‘Khilafat wa Mualakiat’, ‘Rasial wa Masail’ (six volumes) selectively (where different opinions existamong major scholars and jurists , I taught them all the opinions), Hashim Kamali’s ‘Usul and the book Freedom of Expression’, Dr. Ismail Razi al Faruqi’s book ‘Tauhid’ (it required one year ), Dr. Abdul Hamid Abu Suleman’s book The Crisis of Muslim Mind, his book on International Relations and some other books of Dr. Tariq Ramadan, Dr Umar Chapra on Economics and some books of Sayyed Abdul Hasan Ali Nadvi..

I asked them to study Quran from renowned Tafsirs of the present time ( Qutb, Asad, Maududi ). I would only explain them the portions they would not understand. Similarly I asked them to study Bukhari and Muslim in particular with commentary. I would explain to them the Usul al Hadith and also clarify some issues.

Those students should be selected who are bright and in under-graduate courses ( they are more receptive) . Their number may be as low as five , not more than twenty , then you can not give personal attention.

Ideally, the course should continue at least for five years (weekly or fortnightly). The teacher must be a serious Islamic scholar himself. He should be a friend of the students. a very warm person, good natured and having most good human qualities , should be fully accessible to them always in solving even their personal problems. The class should be ideally at his house or his/her institution (at a time he/she is not absorbed in his/her work).

The teacher should also be free from bias of all types. Every class should be at least of two hours. They should be a totally frank question – answer session on the book under study, on the ‘ideological issues’, on international situation and on any other issue the students may raise. The teacher should answer,and if he requires time, he would take time, read further and answer in the next class. (This course can be repeated by senior scholars 2/3 times in his life).

I have taught about 100 boys/girls in the last 17 years. At least 1 out of 10 is likely to turn into senior intellectuals. My students (at least 25 of them would be intellectuals, I hope , some top scholars, others medium scholars, Insha-Allah. Some of them are already local leaders in various countries, Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Germany,Japan,Malayasia apart from Bangladesh. They are open-minded, balanced in thought and very practical and realistic in approach.

Major Islamic personalities may try this method, improve it further.

বিষয়: রাজনীতি

১০২২ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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