The Doctrine of Pranab: and Its Potential Impact

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন রক্তলাল ১৫ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩, ০৮:৫৬:৪৯ রাত

Without a shadow of doubt, The Pranab Doctrine has proved to be completely ineffective in regards to the political developments of Bangladesh.

Their grand plan was to minimize Jamat's influence to almost zero, meanwhile, decapitating BNP.

They had failed to realize that these parties were not enhanced in their political strength due to any sudden outburst or any particular event.

These parties have evolved over the decades with grassroots organization and conviction of political messages among mass population.

It is impossible to eradicate such political entities with just a few harsh actions like how in USA, McCarthyism miserably failed in the 50s.

Without a deeply rooted consensus, policies as such are bound to backfire and cause political unrest, let alone ensuring infinitive power to just one party.

Ignoring aspirations of youth for better opportunities in life, basic needs of people, and the true necessities of a third world country like Bangladesh, will inevitably topple any government. Our nation is thrown into turmoil for the unfortunate fact that Hasina and her allies are so oblivious to the obvious.

At this pivotal point, the exit strategy will only be determined by the people while we keep our fingers crossed.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৭৩৪ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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