What is your role in your child’s education?

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৯:৪৬:৫৭ রাত

Most of us are blaming our children and usually we kept them in punishment. You will find at least 60% parents complaint against them. Last years I verified more than 50 families closely those are in such a condition. I found most of the cases parents are responsible for that for their educational environment. Myself also have changed many of my attitude to close to my children. I tried to give them educational environment by my means and every parents need to study the children and their psychology. First of all problem need to be traced out, then gradually need to be solved. As an example: if you are not praying 5 times in masjid and if you tell your son to go and pray , he will not do it because he will follow your attitude. These way the child will follow the parents and they will be built accordingly.

Your child's education begins long before he or she is enrolled in school. As the first teachers of children, parents are always teaching-with examples, words and experiences. But many parents don't realize how important their role is and, if they do, they don't always know how to participate most effectively in their child's education. There are many things parents can do to encourage their children to learn. Children learn all the time, through all their senses: touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell. These sensory experiences form an intellectual understanding that will be refined and developed as a child grows. All research suggests that babies have a huge capacity to learn through all the senses. The more stimulation they get through the different senses, the better their brain develops. This capacity to learn starts to slow down around the age of four.

According to the view of child specialist , by 8 months, a baby’s brain has about 1,000 trillion nerve connections. By the age of 10, that number is reduced to about 500 trillion. As the brain operates on a ‘use it or lose it’ basis, early experiences are the defining factor affecting the rate of reduction in nerve connections. Studies on neglected children, who had been deprived of physical and mental stimulation, found that parts of their brain were underdeveloped and 20-30% smaller than most children their age.

Children can start learning any language during infancy and by six can develop advanced language skills. From birth to four months, babies are ‘universal linguists’ capable of distinguishing each of the 150 sounds that make up all the languages in the world. The power to learn a language is so great in the young child, they can learn as many spoken languages as you can allow them to hear regularly. Around age three, children start putting words together into simple sentences and by age six have experienced a vocabulary explosion of more than 5,000 words.

Listening is an important skill in learning. Encourage your children to ask questions about what they hear. Share your favorite poems and Islamic songs with your children. Read to them and tell them family stories. You may want to limit television time, but talk about the things you watch together. Learning to follow directions is important to developing new skills, too. When you show your children a new skill, demonstrate each step and let them participate. Even young children can help with such household chores as meal preparation. They'll learn sequences by first washing their hands, then setting the table, tearing up lettuce or tossing the salad.

Using the daily newspaper, a moment can be used in breakfast or evening period ,parents and children can talk about the important topics including weather report, which often includes illustrations of the forecast. Then go outside and look at the clouds. If it's raining, wade in the puddles or play in the mud. Experiencing abstract ideas in a concrete way like this can help children make intellectual connections. Pick up the small car and go to the yard, play with them with toys together and ask your child to collect all of the blue toys, then all of the red. Count the number of toys before stashing them in the toy box, turning cleanup into a learning experience. Children like to make fun and many parents don’t

know how to do the same. Your child has broken your television or any other material, don’t scold them and try put the reason in their brain or best tell can you please reshape the broken material? These way child will learn to invent things. Try to avoid bad kind of music and computer games. This one way children are losing the efficiency of their skills.

The most important matter , you are muslim , try to give them fundamental knowledge of islam. Prophet pbuh said at the age of seven train them to pray and at the age of 10 give them light punishment for that. In the day of judgment Allah swt will as the people of paradise read Quran and search your place of paradise. Another hadith from Prophet pbuh said there will be hundred level of paradise. According to the deed people will be rewarded. Please clarify all of us our mistake and amend it. In our society there is culture , I have a lot of mistakes and I am going to inform others to change. The correct way is to first amend oneself and then tell others.

My dear brothers , children are not going astray in one day. Prophet pbuh said to his beloved wife, O aisha(ra)! Don’t do even small mistakes. These small mistakes are gradually going to big ones. This is the teaching for us to start from today till ending our life. Allah swt bless me , bless you and bless all mankind.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৮০৭ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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