The Pleasures of Learning Mohammad Mohiuddin Patwary Senior Accountant Saudi Binladin group

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মহিউডীন ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৬:০৯:১১ সন্ধ্যা

The rise of Muslims to the zenith of civilization in a period of four decades was based on Al-lslam's emphasis on learning. This is obvious when one takes a look at the Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (s) which are filled with references to learning, education, observation, and the use of reason. The very first verse of the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet of Al Islam on the night of 27th of Ramadan in 611 AD reads:

"Read: In the name of thy Lord who created man from a clot. Read: And thy Lord is the Most Generous Who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not."(Quran, Sura Alaq verse 1-5)

"And they shall say had we but listened or used reason, we would not be among the inmates of the burning fire."(Quran, sura mulk verse 10)

"Are those who have knowledge and those who have no knowledge alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful. "(Quran, sura zumar verse 9)

And the Qur'an exhorts the Muslims to do scientific research: "And whoso bringeth the truth and believeth therein such are the dutiful."(Quran, sura zumar verse 33)

Every Muslim man's and every Muslim woman's prayer should be:"My Lord! Enrich me with knowledge."(Quran, sura Taha verse 114)

The pursuit of knowledge and the use of reason, based on sense observation is made obligatory on every Muslim, man and woman.The following traditions of the Prophet (s) supplement the foregoing teachings of the Qur'an in the following way:

1. "The acquisition of knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim, whether male or female."

2. "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave."

3. "God has revealed to me, 'Whoever walks in the pursuit of knowledge I facilitate for him the way to heaven.'

4. "The best form of worship is the pursuit of knowledge."

5. "Scholars should endeavor to spread knowledge and provide education to people who have been deprived of it. For, where knowledge is hidden it disappears."

6. Some one asked the Prophet (pbuh): "Who is the biggest scholar?" He replied: "He who is constantly trying to learn from others, for a scholar is ever hungry for more knowledge."

7. "Seek for knowledge and. wisdom, or whatever the 'vessel from which it flows, you will never be the loser."

8. "Thinking deep for one hour (with sincerity) is better than 70 years of (mechanical) worship."

9. "Worship, without knowledge, has no goodness in it and knowledge without understanding has no goodness in it. And the recitation of the Qur'an, which is riot thoughtful has no goodness in it."

10. "To listen to the words of the learned and to instill unto others the lessons of science is better than religious exercises."

The Islamic Empire for more than 1,000 years remained the most advanced and civilized nation in the world. .This is because Al-Islam stressed the importance and respect of learning, forbade destruction, developed in Muslims the respect for authority, discipline, and tolerance for other religions. The teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah drove many Muslims to their accomplishments in science and medicine.

By the tenth century their zeal and enthusiasms for learning resulted in all essential Greek medical and scientific writings being translated into Arabic in Damascus, Cairo, and Baghdad. Arabic became the international language of learning and diplomacy. The center of scientific knowledge and activity shifted eastward, and Baghdad emerged as the capitol of the scientific world. The Muslims became scientific innovators with originality and productivity.

For example Islamic medicine is one of the most famous and best known facets of Islamic civilization, and in which the Muslims most excelled. The Muslims were the great torchbearers of international scientific research. Some of the best and most eloquent praises of science ever written came from the pens of Muslim scientists who considered their work to be acts of worship. The same motives led to the establishment of Al-Azhar (800 AD) the first university in the world. They hit the "source ball of knowledge" over the fence to Europe. In the words of Campbell, "The European medical system is Arabian not only in origin but also in its structure. The Arabs are the intellectual forebearers of the Europeans."

One of the secrets of success in any profession is to be the most learned or best-informed person in his/her own profession. Learning is a pleasure. It is not, then one should cultivate the enjoyment associated with learning. Although the pleasure of learning is universal, there are many dull incurious people in the world. There are several reasons for this. Some people are made dull by bad teaching, isolation and following a routine life-style. For some people it is the pressure of hard work and poverty. For those who are rich, their ephemeral and trivial delights come in the way of the pleasures of learning. The human mind can survive not only poverty but also even wealth with luck, determination and guidance. Take the example of Archimedes. When he discovered the principle of specific gravity by observing his own displacement of water in a bath tub, he leaped out with great joy, and shouted, "Eureka, Eureka!" ("I have found it. I have found it!"). He was overwhelmed with joy and ran naked. All children possess the same instinct which prompted his outburst, and the rapture of its Gratification.

Learning is a natural pleasure. This pleasure is inborn and instinctive. The pleasure of learning is one of the essential pleasures of the human race. Without learning, survival itself is threatened. It is said that the propagation of the human race might be endangered if the knowledge of sex through seeing, reading or hearing is withheld from everyone.

The pleasure of learning is not confined to learning from textbooks, which are too often tedious. But it does include learning from book magazines (periodicals), newspapers, and movies. T. V., radio and traveler when you stand in a big library infront of thousands of books do not think they are lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. Each has its own voice, which is as inaudible as the radiobroadcast waves falling directly on t ears. Just as one switches on the radio to hear. So does one just need to open a book to hear the voice far distant in time and space? One can hear the voice speaking, mind to mind, and heart to heart. Reading of books gives you two different delights. One is the pleasure of understanding the unknown and the unexpected. The other pleasure is of deepening one's knowledge of a specified field.

Apart from books, learning means keeping the mind open and active to receive all kinds of experience. As pointed out earlier there is great emphasis on learning and seeking knowledge in Islam. The Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) ordered Muslims to be active in their search for learning.Learning also means learning to practice one' s own professional skills.Travel is an important part of the pleasures of learning. There are many examples of best-informed people who never read books and newspapers, but acquired excellent knowledge through travelling. One should travel with an open mind, all alert eye and a wish to understand other people and other places.

Everybody knows ''Knowledge is Power" but now I can say "Knowledge is Wealth". For the more learned you are, the more money you can earn and if you have enough money can help poor, can invest in the way Allah swt but according to Hadith from Prophet (pbuh), most of the wealthiest people will be the inhabitant of hell fire.

There are many people in this world who have played themselves to death, or eaten and drunk themselves to death. Nobody ever died because of thinking or learning. People who avoid learning, or abandon it, find no joy in life, find that life is drained dry. No learner has ever run short of subjects to explore. The pleasures of learning lead to happiness. One can live longest and best and most rewardingly by attaining and preserving the happiness of learning. Learning is everyone's birthright. Everyone - young or old, rich or poor, male or female, has access to learning. Exercise your birthright. Remember what you have learned cannot be stolen by others. But learning must be true and authentic which from Quran and sunnah and the true learned from world.

During my life time I have found many friends, in school , college , university and work field. My thirst of knowledge is satisfied me wherever I have joined. It is not a criticism because this life is an examin field for us. We have to understand root of islam, we have to understand dawa ilallah. In Indian subcontinent ,there are two big” jamat” which I involved and later investigated their way of dawa and read books. A lot of pirtontro are there. I have gone through some of their books. I was astonished how they are deviated muslim from religion? I din’t find any difference between those “Pir” and Arab ignorant(jahelliya). During the period of ignorant age they were asking the dolls to reach them to the lord and these pirtontro also doing the same. Their followers are worshipping them to take them near to Allah swt. The people of the society are praying five times around them as a nuisance. Anyway from the two Jamat one is “Illiasi Tabligue” and other one “Mawdudi jamat” Allah knows their intension. When I have gone through quran and hadith I found some verses like Sura An’am 159 and Sura rum verse 32. Allah swt told to his messenger “ those who divided religion you have no responsibility for them”. And if we go back our origin till 1000 years there was no division of islam. why last 500 hundred years the division came in islam? Prophet (pbuh) said islam is in straight way. During the period according to Majhab people were divided though the emam were following sunnah correctly. All the four Emam described clearly to their disciple not follow their words. According to Emam Abu Hanifa told to his best disciple Emam yousuf “ O yusuf! Don’t write all my words. Perhaps I am telling now tomorrow I have to change it. If you see my word is not agreeing with the sunnah of Prophet(pbuh),throw my words and take sunnah. Emam yousuf also disagreed 2/3 rd of the saying of Emam Abu Hanifa®. Did Prophet (pbuh) said in his sunnah to divide islam in groups? Did he told to make crisis in the muslim society? By which people are dying and the wealth of the country is damaging. In the name of Dawa “ illiyasi Tabligue” is announcing various kinds of Bida’a. In various secret places they are seating with a group of innocent people announcing dawa by the muallem. I cannot explain all but I am giving you reference to read “ Tabligi nessab” which has various parts like the book “Fazaelli Durud” “ Fazaelli hajj” so on. If you go through these book will find story of dreams , invented durud for which there is no connection of sohi sunnah. Thousands of muslim innocent ignorant brothers are following them. Insallah if any innocent people are following and the true news of islam is not reaching to him surely Allah swt will justify the heart. But the brothers already found announcement of true islam, I don’t know Allah swt will also justify him for his work. I myself found many differences with their daily work which are invented by them. Islam is a light and spread all over the world. Every society knows about islam. For delivering speech of Quran and sunnah it must be in front of mass people so that they can know real islam. For worship there is no particular day , no particular place , no Islamic division, no combined millad , no hided meeting ( which illiyasi tabligue and Moududi jamat) is having. They are not even tolerate each other. One more important thing is “jamat e islami” is presenting themselves as a moderate islam. For islam democracy is completely prohibited though the democracy came to the muslim countries due to muslim rullers. In this case they are fasek rullers. If I follow true islam and in my country is not a muslim country by following Sharia(Islamic rules and regulations) what I have to do. Do I go against muslim fasek rullerars? My way to go in straight way. I have five foundation of islam. I have to follow accordingly. I have to announce it (amaru bil ma’ruf wa nahi anil munkar) according to my ability. I have to call people on the way of Allah. I have to join with same category of people those are in straight line. Prophet (pbuh) 13 years dis the same in Makkah and prepared people and when migrated madinah, established muslim ummah. Islamic modernism is preferring power rather than following basic islam. Their target to reach power and this is the reason we are finding in muslim country they are fighting with each other. What is the learning from us from emam Abu Hanifa? In Umaiyya reign and in Abbasi reign he was kept in jail the reason he din’t accept to be a chief justice. Islamic experts(muhaddesin) were announcing islam, teaching islam to the people through sunnah. They were not afraid the , then government if they make mistake. They worked for amending their opinion by writing , seating and speaking without any crisis but they prisoned most of the emam. This is the way of islam. Muslim ummah is one ummah. All muslim must be together like a society people live together , to earn something together , to help each other from any danger.

We have deviated ourselves from the root and we have to go back and follow Islamic rules and regulations according to quran and sunnah. We have to avoid wrong way of life. We have to save our generation from danger. Muslim countries are forwarding themselves in civil war. Our heart is not crying when our brothers are dying by muslim brothers. We are not fighting with non muslims. Non muslims culture is all the corner of muslim area. We have to find a solution to resolve all these crisis. May Allah bless muslim and all mankind.

বিষয়: বিবিধ

১৪৮৩ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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