Dr. Mizan, Doctor Imran and innocent public. great Hero Mahmudur Rahman.

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন মাহা ০৩ মার্চ, ২০১৩, ১০:৩৪:০৮ সকাল

I am very much feared and shocked due to last couple of days law order position. Almost over 50 peoples have died. Ex-PM Khaleda Zia addressed it "Gono Hotta". I am 100% agreed with her remarks. She really marked the whole position rightly. I am very sad when I listened that Dr. Mizanur Rahman's expression was as he is the leader of Awami League. How dare he is that he expresses negative attitude on Khaleda Zia's press conference. I wish he should be sorry for his comments or resign instantly.

What a tragedy that being the chief of Humanity commission he does not use a single comments about police's free style firing. It is clear he is just a player of Awami-communist government.

Dr.Imran a blogger hero made by our newspapers and TV channels. He is now playing as the parallel PM of the country. What does he like to do? He is ordering as decision maker of the nation always address that 16 corers peoples are with him. What a shame! He is leading just few peoples and the medias made it surrounded. Not only he but also 100% Bangladeshi like to finish the anti-Bangladeshi man or acts but not in his way. Don't show any dam care upon the judicial. Laws are made by your government, so you should shout against them but not. If you connected the caretaker issue with your agenda according to the nation demand then it will be lighted. But Doctor Imaran is playing as a supporting partner of the government.

I request to the police division please keep your self cool. Public are not your enemy. All the Jamaal/Shibir leaders or supporters are not same as G.Azam or Nijami, so please don't treat them as animals. If they really becomes so cruel then take action to the specified persons but not generally.

Mahmudur Rahman is not a name now, it is now an institute. He is the symbol of Bangladeshi. We all should play as him. He always keep himself busy with the favor of the country. He is now too much popular and famous due to his position against present Government's non productive and corruption cases. I feel very sorry when sahbagee Doctor Imran gong shouted using very nude words against him. Mahmudur Rahman will be lightened in future for the whole nation. He proved himself as a pure and perfect Muslim banngladeshi. I respect him 100 times. May Allah keep him alive to serve whole the nation.

বিষয়: রাজনীতি

১১১৫ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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