Is the four principles of constitution of BD are the reflection of society ????????

লিখেছেন লিখেছেন বিবেকবান ০৭ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ০৭:২০:৪২ সন্ধ্যা

In our constitution there are four main principles,,,,,,,democracy,secularism,socialism and nationalism.Now the question is that whether those are reflection of our society?

*I will not say anything about democracy as the society are very much eager for democracy but both BNP and BAL fail to do that as they do not practice democracy in their own parties. So how they can make the a real reflection of democracy in the society?

*Secularism the most talk-topic in our country by the ruler. But what the people are thinking?.......traditionally we are based on religion and the reflection of religion on our activities.But by establishing secularism in our constitution they like to stop it(secularim) is not the reflection of our society.....the history of secularism also not matches with our religion and values.

*Socialism.......when the death body of socialism spreading odor that time we have included it in our the socialism and democracy can go contradiction.As in socialism there should be one party but in democracy there should be more than one party.

*Now nationalism and socialism how this two go socialism based on world perspective and does not belief the theme of nation state. on the other hand nationalism based on nation state. so contradiction between nationalism and secularism.

* Now a big question is that after the liberation of our country BAL did not take any mandate form the people to make constitution of 1972.............

so how this constitution can be people oriented and reflection of our society....

বিষয়: বিবিধ

৯৭৬ বার পঠিত, ০ টি মন্তব্য


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